Weight: 273 lbs.
Mood: Seems like a normal day so far...
Water Consumed: 2 Nalgenes
Breakfast: Pancakes
Lunch: Pasta with Eggplant Sauce
Dinner: Hot Dogs and Peas
Hangry Seriously East Coast! Drumpf!!!
So I just want to recap if you are new to this blog. I am living off a food budget of $30 a week for three months to help raise awareness about Childhood poverty here in the Twin Cities. If you are interested in helping us achieve our goal of raising $2,500 please click on the FINNEGANS logo in the right hand panel.
So the number one question I get asked if what am I craving. And to be honest the first week was tough, and the second week tougher. But now that I am in the third week, the cravings have sort of died down. But I still have a few hankerings!
- Burgers: Oh, I love me a good burger! Especially one cooked at one of our more famous burger joints, like the Buffalo Tap, or Burger Moe's.
- Soda: I used to drink soda pretty regularly. Actually you could expand this to pretty much anything but water. That is pretty much all I have drank for the last three weeks outside of some left over milk I bought for my scones in week 1.
- Cheese/dairy products: There is a little bit of this here and there, but not quite clearly enough to what I was used to. I have a bag of chredded cheeses currently that I needed this week for a recipe. I already used what I needed, but I feel like I am clutching on to the remainder like it is liquid gold!
- Fruits: While I seem to be getting plenty of veggies on this project, I can't say the same about fruit. Outside two apples I got from Whole Foods in week 2, that has been pretty much it for fruit, unless you count the pumpkin chips I used to bake bars for people at work!
- Caribou Coffee: My life blood on the weekends. I miss this one probably the most. My sweet, sweet Campfire Mocha. So full of caffeine and sugary goodness...
I also have to admit that there are some foods I have gotten more of then I thought I would:
- Vegetables: Canned, fresh, or frozen I seem to be able to work at least one serving into every meal. My favorite so far was the grilled corn in Week 2 from Whole Foods.
- Meat: While it's true my meat consumption is down, I don't miss it as much as I thought it would I have plenty of eggs at my disposal, and I LOVE me some eggs.
Again, overall I am doing well with my cravings, but they are there. Usually when I get a bad one I just drink some water and it gets better.
Until next time!
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