Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 24: Heading to the Cabin

Day 24 Vitals:

Weight:  271 lbs.
Mood:  On the tired side.  Leo was up all night
Water Consumed:  1 Nalgenes
Breakfast: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
Lunch:  Pizza Dogs and Mixed Veggies
Dinner: Tin Foil Chicken Wings
Hangry Thought of the Day:  I went to Target, had to use the rest room.  No one tried peeking at my junk.  I think your safe!

The sun is out, the grass is green, and its time to head out to the cabin once again!  Just because I'm on a more restrictive diet doesn't mean I can't enjoy some family time at the lake. 

For food I grabbed the following:

  • Canister of Oatmeal
  • Left Over Carrots
  • Hot Dog Buns
  • Hot Dogs
  • Pouch of Tuna
  • Can of Green Beans
  • 3 Tortilla Shells
  • Mustard
  • Salt, Pepper, and Cinnamon
This was the first time I actually had a pang of regret that I started this project.  Grilling season is probably one of my favorite aspects of summer.  And of course heading to the cabin meant grilling, at least for everyone else.  Yeah, I had my pack of hot dogs, but after eating them all week they are a bit tiresome.

But I mustard through it (quite literally, check out the pick above), and I made it.  It was a lot of fun to spend that time with our kids, my wife, and Mom and her SO.  Felix got super excited to ride his little gator, and of course as a big boy, I got excited to ride the four wheeler.  Got out on the boat, and in general, we enjoyed the weather.  So all in all, this weekend was a bit of a challenge with the limited food, but well worth it to spend time with the family.

So what are your favorite summer time activities?  Let us know in the comments below!

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