Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 52: My $30 at Festival Foods

Day 52 Vitals:

Weight:  271 lbs.
Mood:  Exhausted
Water Consumed:  2 Nalgenes
Breakfast: Chocolate Muffin
Lunch: Hot Pot soup
Dinner: Potato, Chicken Wing, Jalapeno Cheddar Scones
Hangry Thought of the Day: I'm Hungry!

First off, again apologies for the long weekend.  It was Memorial Weekend and we spent the weekend up at the cabin with no internet.  So I'm back, and it is time to head to Festival Foods to spend my weeks budget:

So my main goals for Festival Foods was to get the ingredients I needed to make a Tofu Hot Pot soup.  I also had a secondary goal for restocking my frozen vegetable stash.

So here are my big wins:

  • Frozen Vegetables (5 bags at $1 ea):  Frozen veggies are an awesome way to get fresh vegetables into a daily diet.  When they hit this low I just needed to stock up.
  • Crystal Farm's Chunk Cheese (2 chunks at $2.50 ea):  Every week I try to sneak in some comfort/treat type foods.  As I was headed to the cabin, I thought a couple blocks of cheese would be good.
  • White Corn Tortillas ($1.29):  Tortillas are a great utility food that I find more versatile the bread.  I have a lot of uses for these.

When it comes to Festival Foods the ad is a great place to start.  The front page was loaded with great deals.  Not as heavy on the coupons as a place like Cub is, this makes shopping a little easier.  I had about $10 extra to spend after picking up my ingredients for the week.  They had a lot of great deals in meat for Memorial Week.  However I went the more conservative route and used that money to pick up five bags of frozen veggies, and a couple of blocks of cheese.  Also keep an eye on the end caps as there are a lot of great deals at the end of the aisles.

Don't forget, if you like this blog please help us in trying to end Childhood Hunger here in the Twin Cities.  Click the link the FINNEGANS logo in the right hand panel, and donate what you can.  Every dollar helps to reach our goal of $2,500 for this GREAT cause where 98% of your dollar will go back to the community!  Thanks for you help!

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