Monday, April 11, 2016

Day 1: Full of Confidence, Full of Food

Day 1 Vitals:

Weight:  280 lbs.
Mood:  Enthusiastic
Water Consumed:  3 Nalgene Bottles
Breakfast:  Plain Oatmeal with a dash of Cinnamon
Lunch:  Baked Potato and Fried Eggs (w/ Sriracha Sauce)
Dinner:  Two Chicken Hot Dogs and a Baked Potato
Hangry Thought of the Day:  Do civil engineers purposefully set traffic lights at a height where you have to stare into the morning sun to see if the light turned green?

So just a quick note before we begin.  My wife, Sonja, thinks I am going to spend a lot of time Hangry (anger induced by hunger).  So to help make light of this I am going to be posting a "Hangry Thought of the Day".  Feel free to leave a comment below about these thoughts!

So day one is over.  My shopping at Cub Foods is done, and more on this tomorrow.  Today I want to talk about my "Pantry Priming".  This priming is only happening once, and will not happen again for the entire length of the project.  On Saturday night I raided our pantry for odds and ends that have been hanging out on our shelves for a while.  These items will represent random items one can get from a food shelf.  I limited myself to one level basket of goodies:

So my strategy was to work on spices first.  I went with bold punchy flavors like Sriracha Salt, Curry, and Cinnamon.  Next was staples like an unopened bag of sugar and a small bag of flower.  Combined with some yeast I found I can now make bread.  I also tossed in some sample packets of tuna I got from work.  My big find was a new bottle of Sriracha Sauce I found in the pantry.  That should really help spice things up.  Also a brand new jar of peanut butter.  A little extra protein never hurt anyone.

I grabbed some odd stuff too that have been in the cupboards for FAR too long.  An unopened package of Vermicelli noodles, and a bottle of Agave Nectar.  If anyone reading this has ANY idea of what I can do with these, I am all ears!

Overall my first day went really well.  I did start to feel hungry close to my usual eating times.  I also attended a birthday party for my Aunt Jan.  It was at Yarusso's, one of Minnesota's best known Italian restaurants.  I had to look down as the food was being served.  Mom offered to buy dinner for me, but I thought it was too early in the project to be utilizing the "Accept food from others" rule.  So I went home to baked potatoes and hot dogs.  I had a great time at the party otherwise!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for tomorrow's post where we talk about my first shopping trip!

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