Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 44: Just Another Journal Post

Day 44 Vitals:

Weight:  271 lbs.
Mood:  Exhausted
Water Consumed:  2 Nalgenes
Breakfast: Chocolate 2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Blackberries
Lunch: Yogurt, Sweet Potatoes, Oatmeal Bar
Dinner: Sweet Potato, Chicken Wing
Hangry Thought of the Day: Okay, seriously, pooping in your bed is not cool, even if you have a diaper on!

For today's post I just want to capture some of my thoughts in my head.  I suffer from depression.  I have been in a depressive funk for a the better part of the year now, and I'm not sure what it will take to get me out of it.  It's silly stuff on my mind like vacation time, work, kids, health.  You know normal stuff.  I know this is all normal everyday stuff that people world wide deal with, but it still feels like the weight in on my shoulders.  

I have a couple of outlets that help me get by.  One of them WAS food, then this project came along, and I don't have the food available.  It shows in my weight, and my physical build since I started this project.  Funny enough other things have started to take it's place. A couple of my hobbies have sort of taken the place of eating.  One of them is blogging.  My post count at Beerploma has been up in the last few weeks, as well as keeping a regular blog here.  The other outlet I have is sorting cards.  Anyone who knows me, knows I love collectible card games.  And even though I haven't played a game in over a year, I still find sorting cards to be extremely relaxing.  I know, weird, huh!  Maybe it's the fact that it gives me a sense that I am putting some sort of order to what would otherwise be just a random pile of cardboard.  Perhaps it's time to pull out the homebrewing kit...

I guess there could be worse habits to have...

Me in my heydays playing Magic.

Don't forget, if you like this blog please help us in trying to end Childhood Hunger here in the Twin Cities.  Click the link the FINNEGANS logo in the right hand panel, and donate what you can.  Every dollar helps to reach our goal of $2,500 for this GREAT cause where 98% of your dollar will go back to the community!  Thanks for you help!

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